"The Best of 2019..." | Gretchen Elaine Photography Featured Photos Of The Year
Photo By Black Level Photography
Oh boy, 2019 went by super quick! I can’t believe I am doing another Best of Year blog post again. First of all, I wanted to thank my amazing clients who have supported Gretchen Elaine Photography and been on this journey with me. I also of course need to thank my friends and family who have been there since day one, through all of my ups and downs, they have kept me pushing through every challenge that has come my way. I love you all and wouldn’t be here writing my third year end post!
I hope you all enjoy some of these past sessions and hope you all are ready to join me for another amazing year capturing memories!
The hardest part about this annual blog post is choosing the photos to feature! There were so many amazing sessions with the most wonderful people. From newborns and families, to couples, seniors, and models. 2019 has been the busiest and best year yet!. Those featured in todays blog are only a handful of my favorite images, there are just way too many to choose from!
In 2019, Gretchen Elaine Photography has overcome many different challenges and I am constantly learning more and changing things up. The best part about this year was the people. I was able to connect and capture special memories with so many people and have created friendships along the way. Building connections is and will always be one of my main goals each year for every session and wedding.
2020 is here and ready to rock n’ roll! I am ecstatic to see what is to come for Gretchen Elaine Photography and myself this coming year. I have goals set and new ideas to build my business and I hope to have you all by my side for another wonderful year. 2019 was great, but I have a feeling 2020 is going to be pretty awesome!
Thank you for all of your support and giving me the opportunity to create and share amazing memories. Love you all!
Gretchen Elaine Photography, LLC
717.799.7077 ~ gehphotos@gmail.com