Greyson | Gretchen Elaine Photography Children Sessions
Greyson’s session was an absolute blast back in November! We ran all around his grandparents yard playing with his new tractor and just being a kid. He was so good that afternoon, although he loved to tell me “no” and “bye bye”!
You never know what kids are going to give ya! Enjoy some of my favorites from his session. I just love all the smiles!

PortraitsGretchen HartmanGretchen Elaine Family, Gretchen Hartman, Gretchen Elaine Families, Gretchen Elaine Photography, Gretchen Elaine Photo Session, Children, Children Portraits, Children Portraiture, Child, gretchen elaine children sessions, greyson, local family photographer, best local family photographer, Local Photography, Local Photographer, Professional Local Photographer, children photographer, lancaster children photographer, lancaster fam, Lancaster Family Photographer, Lancaster Family SessionComment