"12 New Chapters, 365 New Chances"
With 2018 in full swing, I wanted to take a moment to look at my goals for this upcoming year with Gretchen Elaine Photography.
Looking back at 2017, I accomplished many things. I graduated the top of my class as Valedictorian ~ Summa Cum Laude at Antonelli Institute for Photography, started my own business, and have done many vendor fairs over the course of just a few months and met amazing people. That sounds like quite a lot of things to top for this year, but I have a feeling this is going to be a year of growth and learning as a person, business owner, and photographer.
Besides the obvious goals of continuing to grow my business and meeting more people and potential clients, I have two main goals I want to focus on this year. My first goal is to start collaborating with other businesses and create relationships in my community. Of course going to vendor events are great and I meet a lot people passing by, but going into local stores and building a connection that way can make long lasting relationships.
Coming soon I am looking to work closely with local make up artists to collaborate with sessions. I am also looking forward to finding new ways to collaborate with other businesses in the area.
My second goal is a bit more vague and something to keep in mind for the rest of the year. I have learned that even when business is down or something isn't working out like I would like it too, tomorrow is a new day and something amazing might come of it. I am looking forward to staying positive, to seeing what the future has in store for myself and business, and working through the tough parts too!
Even when the sun goes down, there is always beautiful light in the early morning.
Gretchen Elaine Photography
717.799.7077 ~ gehphotos@gmail.com